It’s hot, too hot. We stand up, drag ourselves lackadaisically to the thermostat and reluctantly (but surely) bump the temperature down a notch or two. There are more creative and energy efficient ways to keep cool, however – and let’s face it, a lot of our time in summer is spent outside or at the beach here in Wilmington, North Carolina. Brinson and Sons has the perfect, quirky solutions to keeping cool in Wilmington.
No, not the icy aftermath of a winter Wilmington storm. We literally mean to ice your sheets. 30 minutes before bed, take the sheets of your choice off the bed and store them in the freezer for half an hour. This tip is cooler than the other side of your pillow.
It’s no secret that aloe plants are multidimensional in their use. Keeping an aloe plant inside your home can provide on-demand relief to sunburns; applying it to the skin also creates a cool, soothing feel. Aloe can even be used in the kitchen!
Closing the blinds helps prevent sun rays from entering your home and heating up the air. It’s believed that up to 30 percent of unwanted heat comes from the sun directly entering your home. Blackout curtains are especially effective in blocking the rays.
There are a number of technologies today that allow you to actively monitor and control the climate within your home. These technologies even work when you’re not home via your smart phone. The Nest Thermostat comes to mind, but other brands offer the same functionality. These systems are compatible with your existing HVAC system and will calibrate to save you money over time with heating and cooling schedules.
Brinson and Sons encourages your family to stay indoors during heat advisories. A large part of keeping cool in Wilmington is using your best judgment to avoid hazardous outdoor environments. Indoor “lazy days” provide relief from the outside heat. Board games, Netflix movie binges, and other family activities can oftentimes be just as fun as a day at the beach.