Apart from the jubilant feelings of joy and warm-heartedness we feel post-Christmas day – what else are we thinking about as we quickly approach New Years Day? That’s right. You’re thinking about how abysmally broke the holiday season has left you. Second only to losing weight, people want to save money as their New Years resolutions, and Brinson & Sons wants to help with these tips.
It’s much easier to spend money when it’s through either a debit or credit card. Rather than thinking about how much money we’re actually spending when we make purchases, we instead visualize our money, inaccurately, through a number. There’s no physical exchange, only an electronic one. This is harmful because it’s difficult to accurately gauge our spending when we remove the physical part of the exchange. Instead, try spending more money via cash instead. Give yourself an allowance, and spend from that pool of money before you have to withdraw more. You should quickly begin to notice that the pace you spend money at will slow.
They may say that she’s crazy, but your local “coupon lady” is saving quite a lot on her trips to the grocery store. There have been times when extreme couponers save so much money the store has to pay them back for their purchases. Realistically, keeping a coupon book could slash your grocery store bill in half. Think of it has an investment in time – is the extra few hours you spend each week worth the amount of money you’re saving? You choose.
Couponing also goes hand-in-hand with shopping smart. Buy off-brand products when the quality isn’t quite as important. Oftentimes, off-brand merchandise is exactly the same as name brand, only with different packaging.
Remember those Christmas gifts you spent WAY too much money on? Considering making your own gifts next holiday season or birthday. Not only can gifts be done yourself – but consider doing other projects yourself rather than paying too much money to have someone else do them for you.
It’s easy to save with your HVAC costs! Allow Brinson & Sons to help. Choosing one of our annual maintenance plans will ensure that your HVAC system is working at full capacity – saving you electric bill and repair money. If your unit takes more than a day to be repaired, we will provide you a complimentary window unit to hold you over. To learn more about our story and other services we provide, read out About Us page.